How much can you save by going Solar?

The Crown Solar is dedicated to empowering commercial clients with sustainable energy solutions that drive cost savings, environmental stewardship, and operational efficiency. From system design and installation to ongoing maintenance and financial guidance, we are committed to delivering top-notch services that meet the diverse needs of businesses.

The Crown Solar is committed to providing residential clients with top-tier services that enable them to embrace sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly energy solutions. From system design and installation to ongoing maintenance and financial guidance, we strive to deliver exceptional services that cater to the unique needs and goals of homeowners.

When considering solar energy systems for residential properties, incorporating battery storage solutions can significantly enhance the efficiency, resilience, and cost-effectiveness of the setup.

Solar Energy Expert

At the Crown Solar, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way homeowners and businesses access clean, renewable energy. With a focus on sustainability, innovation, and customer satisfaction, we strive to provide top-tier solar solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients.

Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses to embrace solar energy as a sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional power sources. By offering tailored solar systems, exceptional service, and ongoing support, we aim to drive the transition towards a greener future for all.

We take pride in being the preferred choice for customers seeking reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions. Here are compelling reasons why customers continue to choose us as their trusted partner in the solar industry:

Fast Installs

Fast Installs

We pride ourselves on offering swift and efficient solar installations that redefine industry standards for speed without compromising on quality. Here’s why customers choose us for our fast installation services:

1. Timely Deployment

2. Rapid Turnaround

3. Efficient Project Management

4. Skilled Installation Team

5. Minimal Disruption

6. Quality Assurance


Solar Panel Warranty

Solar Panel Warranty

We prioritize customer satisfaction and peace of mind by offering a comprehensive solar panel warranty that underscores our commitment to quality, durability, and long-term value. Here’s why customers choose us for our robust solar panel warranty:

1. Extended Coverage

2. Performance Guarantees

3. Product Reliability

4. Transparent T&Cs

5. Responsive Customer Support

6. Investment Protection


Inverter Warranty

Inverter Warranty

We prioritize customer satisfaction and system reliability by offering a dependable inverter warranty that underscores our commitment to quality, efficiency, and long-lasting performance. Here’s why customers choose us for our robust inverter warranty:

1. Comprehensive Coverage:

2. Peace of Mind Assurance

3. Quality and Durability

4. Transparent T&Cs

5. Responsive Warranty Support

6. Investment Protection

Excellent Reviews

Excellent Reviews

At our solar company, we pride ourselves on the outstanding reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers that highlight our commitment to excellence, quality, and exceptional service. Here’s why customers choose us based on our stellar reviews:

1. Positive Customer Feedback

2. High Ratings and Recommendations

3. Consistent Praise for Quality Workmanship

4. Exceptional Customer Service

5. Reliability and Trustworthiness

Power Production Guarantee

Power Production Guarantee

We offer a robust power production guarantee that underscores our commitment to performance, reliability, and accountability in the realm of solar energy. Here’s why customers choose us based on our power production guarantee:

1. Performance Assurance

2. Financial Security

3. Transparency and Accountability

4. Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

5. Performance-Based Incentives

6. Long-Term Value

We Give Back

We Give Back

We are dedicated to making a positive impact beyond clean energy generation by actively giving back to our communities and the environment. Here’s why customers choose us based on our commitment to giving back:

1. Community Support

2. Environmental Stewardship

3. Charitable Partnerships

4. Educational Outreach

5. Employee Volunteerism

6. Philanthropic Initiatives

We Work with The Best

Dedicated Solar Installers

Multiple improvement Lenders

Dedicated Customer service support

Referral Scheme: £250, £300, £350, £500, £600


Our Progress

At the Crown Solar, progress is not just a goal; it’s a way of life. We are dedicated to driving positive change through our innovative solar solutions that redefine the landscape of sustainable energy.

1. Innovative Technology

2. Sustainability Focus

3. Continuous Improvement

4. Industry Leadership

5. Research and Development

Years of Experience
Happy Clients
0 +
Projects Done
0 K+
MWh. Energy Generated
Crown Solar FAQs

The financial benefits of solar energy are multifaceted and offer compelling reasons for individuals and businesses to consider adopting solar power solutions. 

  1. Lower Power Costs and Reduced Bills: Going solar can lead to lower energy bills due to reduced reliance on traditional grid electricity, resulting in long-term cost savings.

  2. Tax Incentives: Solar energy systems often qualify for tax incentives and rebates, providing financial benefits through tax breaks and credits that can offset installation costs.

  3. Increased Home Value: Installing solar panels can increase the value of a property, making it more attractive to potential buyers and potentially leading to higher resale value.

  4. Financial Savings: Solar panels offer financial savings by reducing or even eliminating electric bills, contributing to long-term cost efficiency and monetary benefits.

  5. Affordability and Cost Savings: Solar panels are increasingly affordable, allowing homeowners to save money on energy costs while also reducing their carbon footprint.

  6. Boost to Bottom Line: Installing solar power systems can provide a boost to the bottom line through lower utility bills and governmental tax breaks, enhancing financial stability and profitability.

  7. Reduced Electricity Bills: One of the significant financial benefits of solar power is the potential to reduce or eliminate electricity bills, leading to substantial savings over time.

  8. Long-term Energy Cost Savings: Businesses can benefit from long-term energy cost savings by going solar, with advantages such as reduced taxes, rapid recovery of investment, and state incentives contributing to financial gains. 

Solar energy offers significant environmental benefits that contribute to sustainability and combat climate change. 

  1. Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Solar energy plays a crucial role in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, as it generates electricity without relying on fossil fuels, thereby contributing to mitigating climate change.

  2. Improvement in Air Quality: By utilizing solar power instead of traditional energy sources, such as coal or natural gas, solar energy helps improve air quality by reducing harmful pollutants that contribute to smog and respiratory issues.

  3. Water Conservation: Solar energy requires minimal water usage compared to other forms of energy generation, thereby reducing the strain on water resources and promoting water conservation.

  4. Decreased Dependence on Nonrenewable Energy: Solar energy reduces dependence on nonrenewable energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas, which are finite and contribute to environmental degradation. This shift towards renewable energy sources enhances energy security and sustainability.

  5. Minimal Environmental Impact: Solar panels have a smaller environmental footprint compared to energy sources derived from fossil fuels, as they do not produce toxic pollution or greenhouse gas emissions during operation. This characteristic ensures that solar energy aligns with sustainable practices and environmentally friendly energy generation.

  6. Contribution to Renewable Energy Transition: Solar energy’s environmental benefits extend to promoting the transition to renewable energy sources, fostering a cleaner, greener future that prioritizes sustainability and environmental stewardship.

In the context of solar energy systems, metering plays a crucial role in monitoring and regulating the flow of electricity generated by solar panels. Solar system metering involves the use of specialized electric meters to measure and record the amount of electricity produced by the solar panels and the amount of electricity consumed or exported to the grid. This process allows users to track their energy production, consumption, and net energy usage accurately.

Net metering, a common practice in solar systems, is an electric billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. With net metering, the electric meter tracks both the electricity consumed from the grid and the surplus electricity sent back to the grid, providing a comprehensive view of energy flows. This enables solar system owners to offset their electricity bills by receiving credits for the excess energy they produce.

Additionally, metering in solar systems helps ensure accurate billing, measure system performance, assess energy efficiency, and optimize energy usage. By utilizing meters specifically designed for solar applications, users can effectively monitor their energy generation, consumption patterns, and overall system output, leading to better energy management and cost savings.

Snow can affect solar panels to some extent, but modern technology has made solar panels more resilient and efficient in handling snowy conditions.

  1. Impact on Production: While snow accumulation on solar panels can hinder sunlight exposure and reduce electricity production temporarily, modern solar panels are designed to withstand snow loads and are generally durable in various weather conditions.

  2. Winter Performance: Solar panels can effectively work in winter conditions, including snowy areas, as long as the snow does not impede sunlight absorption for an extended period. Snow that remains on solar panels may affect energy generation, but overall, modern solar technology is equipped to handle seasonal variations.

  3. Snow Management Features: Some modern solar panels are designed with features like self-cleaning mechanisms or optimal angling to facilitate snow removal, allowing for improved performance in snowy environments. These design elements help ensure that snow does not significantly impact solar panel efficiency.

  4. Adaptability to Snowy Conditions: Solar panels can operate effectively in regions that experience heavy snowfall and extreme cold weather. While the performance of solar panels may be affected by snow cover, advancements in solar technology have made them suitable for use in snowy climates.

Going off-grid with solar panels is a feasible option for many individuals seeking energy independence. However, there are considerations to keep in mind regarding the practicality and cost-effectiveness of such a decision.

  1. Feasibility and Cost-Effectiveness: While it is technically possible to go off the grid using solar panels and batteries, the cost-effectiveness of this approach may vary. Solar shoppers often find that maintaining a grid-tied system can be more financially advantageous due to factors like installation costs, battery expenses, and energy export penalties.

  2. Legal Considerations: Living completely off solar power is legal in the United States, and many households have opted for solar power solutions. It is crucial to verify local regulations and compliance standards when setting up an off-grid solar system to ensure adherence to relevant laws.

  3. System Reliability: To sustain reliable off-grid living, it is recommended to have a solar energy system equipped with sufficient battery storage capable of providing electricity for several days without sunlight. This backup capacity ensures uninterrupted power supply during adverse weather conditions or low sunlight periods.

  4. Clean Energy Generation: Going off-grid with solar panels and a home battery enables individuals to generate clean energy independently, reducing reliance on traditional grid electricity and promoting sustainability. This approach allows for the utilization of 100% clean energy for personal consumption.

Yes, even if you have solar panels installed, you will likely still receive an electric bill. While solar panels can significantly reduce your electricity and Gas expenses upto 90%, it is common for homeowners with solar systems to continue receiving a monthly electric bill. The bill amount may be reduced or even negative in some cases, depending on factors like energy usage, system efficiency, and net metering policies. Incorporating battery storage with your solar energy system and going completely off the grid would be necessary to eliminate electricity bills entirely.

During a blackout, solar panels can offer several benefits if integrated with energy storage solutions like batteries.

  1. Continuous Energy Supply: Solar panels with battery storage can provide a continuous supply of electricity during sunlight hours even when the grid is down, enhancing energy reliability and resilience.

  2. Protection Against Power Outages: By utilizing solar batteries to store excess energy generated during the day, homeowners can maintain power during blackouts, ensuring energy security and independence from grid disruptions. 

  3. Backup Power Solution: Solar panels coupled with backup batteries serve as a reliable backup power solution, allowing users to utilize stored energy during nighttime or power outages, reducing dependence on grid electricity. 

  4. Enhanced Resilience: Integrating solar panels with energy storage systems enhances the resilience of a home’s energy infrastructure, enabling homeowners to mitigate the impact of blackouts and ensure continuous power supply when needed.

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Find Out How You Can Benefit From Solar Power.

Crown Solar

Join us in embracing a greener tomorrow with reliable, renewable energy solutions that make a difference. Let’s illuminate your world with clean, cost-effective solar energy today.

Contact Info

Head Office

Unit 20, Whetley Mills, 370 Thornton Road, Bradford, BD8 8LQ, United Kingdom